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44: Meet Gemma: A highly qualified Solicitor and bad-ass IP & Trademark Attorney

Updated: Jun 8

Receiving a DM from Gemma was a shining light on a dark day... a dark few days. I'd had a couple of pretty sh***y weeks and was starting to really doubt myself; doubt what I was doing with TWW.

And then an instagram DM came in from Gemma; which told that me she loved what I was doing, and said that she lived in the same (tiny) village as me.

When I clicked on her profile and saw what she did for work, my eyes lit up for 2 reasons: 1. Because I knew she'd make a great pod guest, and 2. Because I weirdly needed some IP advice as part of my imminent divorce settlement.

Divine timing? Divine connection? I'll take that!

Now as it turns/ed out, the IP advice wasn't as necessary as I thought, but I still couldn't wait to chat to Gemma; and she didn't disappoint.

Her story, like many of the women I pod, is both that of an underdog and that of a non-linear fashion, even though she is a solicitor, which is typically a linear career and life-route... Because she didn't intend to become a solicitor. And she certainly didn't intent to become an IP/Trademark one.

And yet she is both. And she's amazing at both. So much so that she now runs her own small IP practice which works with some pretty big corporate players (size really doesn't matter in Gemma's case).

So not only do I now have an IP/Trademark attorney nearby, to call on when TWW gets HUGE and I have people trying to steal my identity for their own commercial gain, but I also now have a really cool friend in my tiny village to go and have a glass of wine with... I'll take that.


Chops x

Gemma's social handles are: @thelittleip_company and her website is:

Click here to listen to the her podcast:

Click here to read all about how to get started as a Solicitor and IP attorney And how you (yes YOU!) could get started in a career like this:


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